PhoneBanking offers you all the conveniences you need to access your Accounts, Credit Cards & Loans from the comfort of your home, office or on the move, in your favored dialect. PhoneBanking services are a combination of IVR and Agent offering, depending on the type of transaction.
TOLLFREE 18008902122
For the first time caller or the caller who has not set his preferred language, the option to select among the available languages will be presented. The caller has an option to set the selected language as the preferred language for all future communications.
Currently available languages are:
- Kashmiri
- Urdu
- English
If you are a first time caller, to Generate T-PIN at main menu the following steps shall be followed:-
- Press 1 or 2 as required
- Enter16 digit bank account number followed by #
- System will fetch the mobile number associated to your account, and voice out its last 3 digits for confirmation.
- A 6 digit one time password (OTP) will be sent as an SMS on the Associated Mobile (it will be valid for one time use within the validity period)
- In-case the delivery of OTP is delayed due to ISP related issues, you may disconnect and call again later (within the OTP validity duration).
- If you already have a valid OTP press 1 else press 2 to generate new one.
- You will be required to enter this OTP to generate the new four digit TPIN.
- You will be able to re-set or change T-PIN at option 2 at Main Menu under sub-menu 5.
The Account Related Information will be shared only to the Authenticated Callers. The caller is authenticated either using ATM Card Details and ATM PIN or TPIN. These details are generated and consumed by the system (IVR). Callers are requested to ensure not to share these details with anyone (even if he/she claims to be the bank Employee).
Authentication using ATM Card details:
- Enter your 16 or 19 digit ATM card number followed by # key
- System will prompt you to enter ATM PIN and four digit Card expiry Date (MMYY)
- Once the system successfully authenticates these details you will be treated as authenticated caller.
Authentication using TPIN
- Enter your 16 digit account number followed by # key.
- If you have a valid TPIN, the system will prompt you to enter the TPIN for authentication.
- In-case the TPIN is blocked or expired the system allows you to re-generate the TPIN using OTP.
- Once the system successfully authenticates these details you will be treated as Authenticated Caller.
The Services available through IVR are:
- Account Related Information
- Product Information/ Deposit Rates / Loans & Advance Products
- Pension Information / J&K PDD Electricity bill Information etc.
- Language Selection