Outstanding credit amount of any account in India with any bank which has not been operated upon for a period of ten years or any deposit or any amount remaining unclaimed for more than ten years shall be transferred to the Depositor Education and Awareness (DEA) Fund of RBI, within a period of three months from the expiry of the said period of ten years. The Customer / Survivor / Legal Heir/Authorized Signatories, as the case may be, may lodge a claim for the unclaimed deposit to activate the account. Subsequent of submission of required formalities by the customer and proper due diligence by the branch, the amount will get credited back to the customer’s account.

Individual claim by customer-

To claim the amount, the customer may visit JK Bank branch with the request letter (in the given format) and submit valid proof of identity, address & latest photograph. On verification of the same, branch will make the account operative and allow transactions in the account.

Claim by Legal Heir / Nominee

The Legal Heir / Nominee may visit JK Bank Branch and submit the required documents. Customer would be required to comply with the claim settlement process/ formalities of the Bank.

Claim by Non-Individual

The customer may submit the Claim Form on the Company’s/ Firm’s / Institution’s letterhead duly signed by the authorized signatories along with their valid identity and address proofs. The customer may also be required to submit additional documents as required by the Bank".

Policy on Inoperative & Unclaimed Accounts

Click here to download Form For Claiming Amount Under Unclaimed Deposit /Inoperative Accounts

RBI's UDGAM Portal : Centralised Web Portal for Searching Unclaimed Deposits