Proceeds of remittances from outside India through normal banking channels received in freely convertible foreign currency.
Any foreign currency which is freely convertible tendered by the account holder during his temporary visit to India.
a) Foreign currency exceeding USD 5000/- or its equivalent in form of cash to be supported by currency declaration form.
b) Rupee funds to be supported by encashment certificate, if they represent funds brought from outside India. -
Transfers from rupee accounts of non-resident banks.
Legitimate dues in India of the account holder including current income like rent, dividend, pension, interest, sale proceeds of assets including immovable property acquired out of rupee/foreign currency funds or by way of legacy/inheritance.
All local payments in rupees including payments for investments in India as per stipulated guidelines.
Remittance outside India of current income like rent, dividend, pension, interest, etc. in India of the account holder.
Remittance up to USD one million, per financial year (April- March), for all bonafide purposes, to the satisfaction of the authorised dealer bank subject to conditions.
Any other transaction if covered under general or special permission granted by the Reserve Bank.