- To enhance the productivity of local sheep in terms of wool and mutton production, by crossing them with superior quality breeding rams.
- To ensure elimination of sheep with pigmentation, coarse wool and such other undesirable characters through selective breeding and rigorous culling.
- To improve the economic condition of sheep breeders by increasing the productivity of their sheep, providing them subsidized inputs and remunerative prices for their produce.
- To provide increased opportunities of livelihood to small/marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, entrepreneurs, unemployed youth etc.
50 Crossbred Ewes
Two Quality Breeding rams to be provided free of cost by Directorate Sheep Husbandry for breeding coverage.
15% of unit cost
- Term loan component of
17,200/- plus margin amount of
37800/- from the borrower shall be utilized for construction of low cost shelter and procurement of equipment as per technical specification provided by Directorate of sheep Husbandry.
- The cost of live stock i.e.
1,50,000/- .shall be remitted out of the Term Loan component directly in favour of the supplier of live stock., after ensuring proper end use of funds released for shelter and equipment.
- Grazing, feeding & Vet. Healthcare charges of
32, 800/- per unit shall be released to the borrower in four equal quarterly installments of
8, 200/- each. 1st installment shall be disbursed immediately after procurement of live stock.
6 years including Moratorium of one and a half year from 1st Disbursement.
The Term loan facility of 2.00 lacs shall be repaid in 10 equal half yearly installment of
20, 000/- each starting after 18 months from 1st disbursement.
- Hypothecation of live stock, and other assets created.
- 3rd party guarantee of two persons, having sufficient means to withstand the liability.
a) Live stock
Comprehensive Insurance of Live Stock.
b) Breeder (borrower)
Insurance cover to sheep breeders under the “social Security Scheme” of Central Wool Board which shall cover natural as well as accidental death and also total or partial disability @
330/annum, out of which the breeder shall pay
80/- and the rest shall be contributed by Government of India & LIC. The cover shall be:
(Amt. in Rupees)
Comprehensive Insurance of Live Stock.
b) Breeder (borrower)
Insurance cover to sheep breeders under the “social Security Scheme” of Central Wool Board which shall cover natural as well as accidental death and also total or partial disability @

(Amt. in Rupees)
Natural Death | 60,000 |
Accidental death | 1,50,000 |
Total Disability | 1,50,000 |
Partial Disability | 75,000 |
The borrower can pre pay the Term loan after initial lock in period of 3 years from the date of disbursement. The Subsidy component over and above the actual utilization in such accounts shall be returned to the Directorate of Sheep Husbandry Via account Payee instrument.
Borrowers under the scheme shall be identified & sponsored by Concerned District Sheep Husbandry Officer.
- The Department shall provide two good quality rams free of cost to each unit for breeding coverage.
- The department shall provide round the year free veterinary healthcare /aid to each Mini sheep Farm. The medicines required for the purpose and available with the Deptt. Shall be provided to the unit at subsidized rates.