Grievance/Feedback Posting form

Kindly provide your valuable feedback and or grievance if any along with your name and and a valid emai-id so that we can follow-up and revert to you as soon as possible.

Click here to fill Online Complaint Form/Feedback Form
Click here to report fraud/unauthorised transaction



Toll Free No: 1800 890 2122

For any issues, please contact Helpdesk on +91-194-2713333 or mail your queries on

 Click here to download the form for customer complaints relating to ATM transactions

For any issues, please contact on 1800 890 2122

Address: First Floor, Air India Building,
Opposite Sher-i-Kashmir Park,
Residency Road, Srinagar - 190001, India


Mr. Towfeeq Ahmad
0194 - 2502685

Digital and Alternate Channels, Corporate Headquarters, Jammu and Kashmir Bank

For any Debit/Credit Card related query/support, please contact us on above number(s):


It is important for you to know about your credit card and this section will familiarize you with your card looks.

  1. Your 16-digit number.
  2. Name as it appears on card.
  3. Period of validity of your card from and valid thru date.
  4. Master card logo and 3D hologram for your card security.
  5. 24-hour phone numbers.
  6. Chip


a) Your Name

You are the only person allowed to use this card. Please confirm the name is correctly embossed on it and in case of any inconsistency please notify us via JK Bank 24-hour customer Helpline 1800 890 2122.

b)  Your Credit Card Number

Your card carries a unique 16-digit number embossed on its face. Please make reference of this number in all your payment cheques and in correspondences with us.

 c)  Validity Period

Your card is valid from the day you have received it up to the last day of the month indicated on it.

 d)  Validity

Your card is valid for use both In India as well as outside India, depending on the option exercised by you. It is however, not valid for making foreign currency transactions in Nepal and Bhutan (i.e. transactions in currencies other than local currency of Nepal/Bhutan or Indian Rupees).

 e) Logo

The MasterCard logo appearing on the front of your card indicates that it is accepted at all MasterCard Merchant Establishments.

f) Hologram

The MasterCard hologram is a tamper proof security printing giving your card added safety.

 g) Magnetic Strip

Black strip present on the back side of your card is a built-in security feature containing vital information of the card holder.

h) Chip

Contains information required for using this card for payments. Please note only you are authorized to use this card.
I) As per RBI directions and as an additional security, system generated OTP shall be sent to you by SMS on your registered mobile number and e-mail id for using your credit card through internet. 
j)  The bank will not be liable for any deficiency in service or to perform any obligation thereunder where any failure is attributable directly or indirectly to any malfunction of the ATM or it is related to any technical system, network or the card, temporary insufficiency of the funds, any dispute or any circumstances beyond its control. 

Card Care

Following simple precautions will ensure the information stored on your card will not be affected and nobody gets to misuse your card.

  • Do not bend or scratch the Card.
  • Keep your Card away from heat and/or direct sunlight.  
  • Please avoid exposure to electric or magnetic fields. If your card is lost or stolen, immediately inform us on our 24-hour toll free line at Customer Care Centre-1800 890 2122.
  • Your card transaction outside India must be made strictly in accordance with the Exchange Control Regulations of Reserve Bank of India. In the event of any failure to do so, you will be liable for action under the Foreign Exchange Management Act1999.


Card usage at ATM's

You have easy access to cash 24 hours a day at the ATM's of J&K Bank as well as ATM's of other banks carrying logo of MASTERCARD. The usage of this facility is subject to Bank's ATM terms and conditions and the terms & conditions governing JK Bank Credit Card.

Card usage at Merchant Establishments (M.E)

Using JK Bank Credit Card at ME is very simple. After you conclude your purchase transaction with an M.E that accepts MasterCard, please present the card to pay your bill. After processing the card transaction, the M.E will request you to sign a printed charge slip containing your card details, bill amount, transaction date and space for your signatures. Please verify the contents of the slips and then sign on it in the given space exactly the way you have on the reverse of your card. It is recommended that you retain a copy of the bill and charge slip handed over to you by the ME to cross check with your monthly billing statement.
Please ensure that the Card is dipped in POS terminal in your presence and under no circumstances you should lose sight of the Card.
Sign only one charge slips per transaction. In case, there is an error on the charge slip, please do not sign it and ensure that the merchant destroys that charge slip in your presence. Please ensure that you have received back your own JK Bank Credit Card before you leave the ME. In case the card holder/customer disputes any transaction on ATM/POs terminal, the bank shall file charge back, retreat the amount and restore to his/her account. However, on re-presentment from the concerned bank, the funds so retrieved shall be adjusted by debit to card holder's/customer's account without any notice to him/ her.

Credit Card Account Statement

You will receive an e-bill statement every month reflecting the transactions on your JK Bank Credit Card A/c. Your billing statement is a complete record of your account activity during the past month. The essential details as they appear in your statement are explained below. The statement has two parts separated by a   perforation. The upper smaller portion is the payment coupon, which you must enclose with your payments.

a)            The payment coupon consists of following details:
Card Account Number:
Your Credit Card Account number is mentioned in this space. Please make mention of this in your correspondence and on your cheque/ draft while paying your bills. Clearing Cheques will not be accepted.
Total Payment Due:
This is the total accumulated unpaid amount outstanding in your account as on the date of statement.
Minimum Payment Due:
It is the minimum payment due, which is calculated at 5% of the total payment due as on the date of statement. The minimum payment due for any of the previous statements not received by the Bank will also be included as a part of this amount. Further, in case where the total payment exceeds the credit limit, the excess amount is also included as a part to the minimum payment due.
Statement Date:
This indicates the date on which your monthly billing statement is generated. The billing statement is generated on the 20th of every month and will be available in your mobile application user, Ebanking user and will also be e-mailed on your registered e-mail id given in the application form. In case the statement isn't received within 7 days from this date, please call us on our 24-hour Customer Care Centre and the information about your amount payable and total out -standings will be made available to you.

Payment Due Date:
Indicates a date on or before which the payment shall reach the Bank to avoid any applicable finance charges/ penalties.
Total Payment Enclosed:
Please fill up the amount you desire to pay towards your Card out-standings.
Payment Details:
While making payment, please indicate the details of your payment: Date, cheque No. Bank & Business Unit on which it is drawn and amount. Your Cheque/ Draft should be payable to: JKBCC A/C No. (Mention your 16-digit Credit Card Number).

b)           The lower portion mainly lists out the transactions on your JK Bank Credit Card.
It also details your Name, Credit Card No., Credit limit, available credit limit, statement date, payment due date and page number. It also contains details pertaining to opening balance, payments, charges, credits and transaction details.

Credit Limit:
Your total purchase and cash advance balance should not exceed this amount (sanctioned by the Bank).
Available Credit Limit:
This is the difference between your Credit Limit and the Total Amount Due.
This refers to the actual date of purchase on your card.
Merchant City and Details:
All purchases, cash advances and payments are itemized along with a brief description identifying the merchant establishment at which the particular transaction has been under taken. 
This lists the corresponding transaction amount against each purchase or cash advance or any other charge.

Making payments:
When to make payments?
With the Revolving credit facility' you can pay only the Minimum Amount Due each month. Your payment must reach us before the payment Due Date. A service charge will be applicable to the out standings carried forward, to the full amount due if part payment is made and to the fresh billings.
Minimum Amount Due that is repaid after the payment due date will attract a late payment charge. Therefore, we urge you to send your payments at least equal to your Minimum amount due by the payment due date every month so as to avoid the late payment charges.
You can also choose to pay back before your statement reaches you, based on the card usage during the month. You can even clear your dues by e-banking and mobile bank facility provided to you. The payments received up to 6.00 pm shall be recognized on the same day and any payment received after 6.00 pm shall be recognized the next day.

How to make payments?
To make payment towards your JK Bank Credit Card a/c you need to confirm the total payment due and minimum payment due and make a choice as to the amount you would like to pay. Draw a cheque/draft payable to JKBCC A/C (mention your 16-digit credit card A/c number), enclose the same to the payment coupon provided and hand over the cheque (or you may also deposit cash) at your nearest J&K Bank Business Unit. Please ensure that your cheque is drawn on a local bank.
Please ensure

  • That your cheque is complete in all respects and any material alteration is duly authenticated/ signed.
  • Cardholder has to take into consideration the clearing period of the cheque and ensure timely payment.
  • If you don't receive monthly Credit Card statement, immediately call us on 0194-2481936, or toll-free number 1800 890 2122 to avoid charges levied, hence upon. You can even get your monthly bill statement from our website i.e.:
  • You deliver the cheque 4 days in advance of your payment due date.
  • You do not send post-dated cheques. 
  • You do not attach any correspondence along with your payments.
  • Cash is deposited at all branches during normal banking hours.
  • The bank also provides you with the facility to debit on your authority the savings bank or current account you are having with Bank's any of the Business Units to settle your Credit Card outstanding.

An SMS shall be flashed to Credit Card holders who have registered their mobile number with the bank, when:

  • All transactions when concluded through JK Bank credit Card shall follow with an SMS alert for    immediate information/ confirmation.
  • When Card is first dispatched.
  • Statement alerts.
  • If due date is missed.

Appropriation of your payments:
Payments and credits received against your Credit Cards outstanding will be adjusted in the order of Service Tax or any other taxes applicable, Service Charges, Finance/ Interest charges, Purchase of Goods and/ or Services reflected in the statement and Cash Advances.

Benefits of your JK Bank Credit Card:
The JK Bank Credit Card would be accepted for payment, presently at 10000 E-commerce Websites, and more than 8.75 lac Merchant Establishment in India and 22million plus Merchant Establishments across Globe. The card would also be accepted for cash withdrawal at 1.45 lac ATMs in India and more than 1 million ATMs across the Globe, and where MasterCard are accepted. The card would be accepted for cash withdrawal at all networked ATMs of J&K Bank / other banks in India with logo of Master card/Maestro/Cirrus.

Free Credit Period:
The billing statement would be generated as on 20th of every month, which is called statement date. The payment due date would be 10th or 9th of succeeding month. Thus, the Cardholder would get a minimum 20 days free credit period provided the total payment due shown in the statement is paid in full on the due date. If any transaction were billed to the card account one day after the statement date the same would be reflected in the next statement, which facilitates the cardholder to enjoy a maximum of 50 days of free credit. However, the interest free credit period would not be available if the payment made is Minimum Payment Due or less than Total Payment Due and the applicable financial charges would be levied for all the purchases from the date of transaction.

Revolving Credit Facility:

  • JK Bank Credit Card offers you the flexibility to plan payments against your dues. For availing of Revolving Credit Facility you can pay a minimum of 5% of the actual balance in the month or 5% of the credit limit and 100% of over the limit usage, which is called "Minimum Payment Due".
  • You also have the option to pay only the 'Minimum Payment Due' or any amount higher than the 'Minimum Payment Due' and less than the 'Total Payment Due' before the Payment Due Date of the statement.
  • The balance could be carried forward to the next statement with applicable interest/finance charges. If the payment made is Minimum Payment Due' or less than 'Total Payment Due', the interest free credit period would not be applicable and the applicable financial charges would be levied for all the purchases.

Cash Advance:
You can avail of cash advance of 20% credit limit within the overall credit limits sanctioned for your Credit Card. You can withdraw cash from:

  • All networked ATMs of the J&K Bank.
  • ATMs of other banks in India and across the Globe, where Master Cards are accepted or exhibit the MASTERCARD logo.

Lost Card Liability:
Please notify the lost/ stolen Card to the Bank immediately on 24-hour Toll Free Help Line 1800 890 2122 or 24-hour help desk with Telephone No’s: 0194 2481936 or 0194-2481953. Whenever the cardholder contacts the help line the authenticity of the cardholder will be confirmed through dynamic quizzing over the phone before responding to the request of the cardholder. Immediately on receipt of the lost/ stolen cards notification the Card will be hot listed i.e. functioning of the card will be blocked. The cardholder can also notify the lost/stolen card to his concerned branch of our bank/DAC, Corporate Headquarters, M.A. Road, Srinagar, Kashmir. In case the cardholder is abroad, the services provided by MASTERCARD can be utilized by the cardholder with applicable MASTERCARD charges for such service. Simultaneously, you will please lodge a police complaint detailing the loss/theft. A copy of the police report along with your letter confirming the loss should reach us within a week from the date of reporting the loss.

Replacement of card:
For getting a duplicate card issued in case of loss/ theft, you will please submit an application for the same along with the Police report to the bank
In case your card is damaged or mutilated, you can get in touch with our 24-hour Customer Care Centre 1800 890 2122 or submit your request to the Bank/Business Unit for issue of a new card.

Add on Cards:
In order to share your power of Credit Card, bank has provided you with an option to gift an Add on Card to your immediate family members on specific request. You can request for add on card at the time of applying for the Credit Card or you can also apply for add on Card at a later date in the prescribed application format. The Additional Card member will also enjoy the benefits that are available to the primary card holder. However, the total credit limit will be restricted to the limit enjoyed by the primary Cardholder. The Additional Card holder is also equally responsible for complying with all terms & conditions applicable to usage of Primary Cardholder.

Petrol against Card:
Your card would be accepted at all petrol pumps across India where MASTERCARD is accepted. Enjoy fuel surcharge waiver every time you purchase fuel, subject to a maximum of Rs.5000 of Fuel purchase per month.

Reward Programme:
The Global Credit Card has a unique bonus plan that rewards you over and over again just by using your card. Every time you use your card in India or abroad, you will earn 1 reward point on every Rs.200/- spent on the Card except on fuel purchase and cash withdrawal transactions. Reward points can also be earned through special promotional offers, which will be run from time to time. In line with the promotional offers, Bank may also provide an option to redeem these reward points for payment of annual fee or exchange them for a wide range of exciting gifts. Minimum points to be accumulated for redemption are 300.

The reward program mentioned above is subject to change at the discretion of the Bank. For updated reward program kindly visit J&K Bank Website or call us at 1800 890 2122.

Customer Help Line:
Bank's firm faith is that it pays if every customer's specific needs are taken care of. Bank has set up a 24 x 7 hour Customer Care Centre which can be accessed through Toll Free line 1800 890 2122 or 91194 2481936 /2481953. You can check Card's outstanding's, available Credit/ Cash limit payment details and notify lost stolen cards etc. using Customer care Centre Helpline facility.

J&K Bank Credit cards are enabled for PIN change at any J&K Bank ATM.

The Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) and all information herein is  applicable to all "JK Bank Credit Cards" card holders/ applicants of Credit Cards/ customers of the Bank/Members of general public evincing interest in the Credit Card product of JK Bank, with immediate effect. The MITC are subject to change at the discretion of Bank and the regulations as applicable from time to time. The said MITC are in addition to and are to be read along with the terms and conditions (as mentioned on the credit card application form) of cardholders 'Agreement with the Bank'.

  1. As a part of transaction monitoring, to secure the interests of card holder, the Bank may stop or restrict the card transactions from certain geographical locations across the globe or at certain ecommerce sites. In such cases the customer transaction fails. Accordingly the card holder hereby authorizes the Bank to stop or restrict the card transactions in any manner whatsoever at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Bank and without any notice to the card holder.
  2. In the event any changes are made in the card limit/withdrawal limit either on request of the card holder or on account of any product related changes, the card holder agrees and undertakes to be bound by any such change and be liable for any transactions carried pursuant to such changes over and above the original limit. In no case the card holder shall be entitled to dispute any such transaction.
  3. These terms and conditions are only indicative. Exhaustive terms and conditions governing the use of card are available on the website of the Bank at which may be updated/amended/modified/changed/varied/altered etc. by the Bank from time to time without assigning any reason and without any notice to the card holder. The card holder hereby agrees and undertakes to be bound by such terms and conditions and any updations / amendments / modifications / changes / variations /alterations etc. thereof. In case of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and those notified on the website of the Bank (including updations / amendments / modifications / changes / variations /alterations etc. thereof), the terms and conditions notified on the website of the Bank shall prevail. The card holder in his own interests is requested to go through the terms and conditions.
  4. The Bank shall not be liable for any transaction failures due to any technical reasons or due to failure at any ATM, merchant location (POS and e-commerce), etc.
  5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the terms and conditions or agreed otherwise between the Bank and the Card Holder, the Bank shall not be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with any decline/failure in transactions due to technical faults etc., whatsoever.
  6. The card holder hereby fully acknowledges, agrees and confirms that any deductions made to the related account of card holder pursuant to subscription of any services over internet or otherwise, including transactions for which the installments are automatically debited, are valid transactions duly authorized and mandated by the card holder. The card holder shall be solely and exclusively responsible for all such transactions and no such transaction shall be called into question/disputed by the card holder on any ground, whatsoever.
  7. The card holder agrees and undertakes to abide by all the regulations/terms and conditions issued by the card issuer as may be amended from time to time.


 Fee and Charges

I. Joining fee for primary card holder and for add-on card holder:

Renewal fee, annual fee, joining fee and add-on fee as per Schedule of Fee and charges (at the end of this brochure)

II. Annual membership fee for primary and add-on card holder:

The charges shall be applicable as per schedule of Fee and charges at the end of this document. The Bank, however, exclusively retains the right to alter any/ all charges or fee from time to time or to introduce any new charges or fee structure , as it may deem     appropriate, upon issuing at least a 30 day prior notice to the Cardholders of such change/ alteration in the charges or fee. It is clarified that the said change may be indicated/ communicated to the Cardholder through any media chosen exclusively by the Bank in its sole discretion.

III. Cash Advance Fee

               As per Schedule of Fee and Charges.

IV. Service charges levied for certain transactions

Cash Advance fee, finance charges and all other charges applicable on Credit Card are detailed in the Schedule of Fee & Charges. 

V. Interest free (grace) period:
The Interest free credit period could range from 20 to 50 days. However, this is applicable only on retail purchases and provided the previous bill outstanding balance has been cleared in full. Interest free grace period is not applicable if the Cardholder has withdrawn cash from ATM.

Illustrative Example for Grace Period Calculation:
For a statement for the period 21st March to 20th April, the Payment Due Date is 10th May. If your previous month's dues in full, the grace period would be:

  • For a purchase on 21st March, interest free grace period is 21st March to 9th May: 50 days.
  • For a purchase dated 1st April, Interest-free grace period is 1st April to 9th May: 39 Days.
  • For a purchase dated 10th April, Interest-free grace period is 10th April to 9th May: 30 Days.

Thus, the grace period can vary depending upon the date of the purchase. However, if you have not paid the previous month's balance in full or if you have availed of cash from an ATM, then there will be no interest-free period.

VI. Interest for both the revolving credit and cash advance
Interest are payable on both i.e., revolving credit and cash advance at the monthly percentage rate on all transactions from the date of transaction in the event of card holder choosing not to pay his balance in full and on all cash advances when taken by the card holder from ATM till they are paid back. Interest, if payable are debited to the Card holder's account till the outstanding on the card is paid in full. 

    • Interest on cash advances is applicable from the date of transaction until the payment is made in full.
    • When the customer carries forward any outstanding amount or avails of Cash Advance, interest calculated by average Daily Balance Method, will apply to balances carried forward and to fresh usage.
    • If a Cardholder avails of the revolving credit facility of the Credit Card and hence chooses to pay an amount less than the total amount due reflected in the monthly billing statement, the entire outstanding amount would attract interest and all new transactions will also attract interest, till such time as the outstanding amount are repaid in full.
    • Late Payment charges will be applicable if Minimum Amount Due is not paid by the payment due date. Clear funds need to be credited to JK Bank Card account on or before the payment due date to avoid Late Payment Charges, applicable as per Schedule of Fee and charges.

Illustrative Example for Interest Calculation:
Assuming that you purchased a Watch for Rs.1200 on 1st April and a Finger Ring for Rs.800 on 10th April, and you have made minimum payment due that is Rs.100 on 10th May.
The interest will be calculated as under:

    • Billing cycle 21st to 20th.
    • Payment Due Date 10th
    • Minimum Payment Due Rs.100.
    • Payment of Rs.100 made on 10th May.
    • Balance carried forward (Revolved Amount) Rs1900.

Interest Calculation:
Interest Calculated = (Outstanding Amount X 3.00% X 12 Months X No. of Days)/365

  • Interest on Rs.1200 for 39 days (from 1st April to 9th May) Rs.46.16.
  • Interest on Rs.800 for 30 days (from 1oth April to 9th May) Rs.23.67.
  • Interest on 1900 for 11 days (from 1oth May to 2oth May) Rs.20.61.

Total interest charged in Billing Cycle from 21st April to 20th May is Rs.90.44 + applicable Tax.
Total Outstanding Rs.1990.44.
Please note that the interest and other charges are subject to change at the discretion of J&K Bank. Also, please note that if the Cardholder exceeds the Credit limit of the account, over limit Charges will be levied on the account. For a list of charges that may be levied at specific instances, please refer to the Schedule of Fee and Charges.
Note: Making only the minimum payment in any month would result in the repayment stretching over subsequent months with consequent interest payment on your outstanding balance. i) Drawal Limits
Credit Limit and Cash Limit are assigned to Cardholders based on internal J&K Bank credit criteria (Add on cardholders share the same limits as that of the Primary Account Holder). These limits are communicated to the cardholder at the time of card delivery. The credit limit and cash limits are communicated to the cardholder in every statement. The Available Credit Limit (i.e. the Credit Limit available for use) at the time of the statement generation is provided as a part of the statement. Cardholders seeking to have their credit limit increased can do so by applying at their respective branches of J&K Bank and providing financial documents declaring their income. J&K Bank may at its sole discretion and based on such new documents provided, increase the Credit Limit of the Cardholder.

Billing and Statement

  • Billing Statement-periodicity and mode of sending:

J&K Bank will send by e-mail a monthly e-statement to the Card holder showing the payments credited and the transactions debited to the Cardholder's Account since the last statement. Also, e-statements are readily available on Bank's website If the balance outstanding is NIL, no statement will be issued.

  • Minimum Amount Due:

Credit Card" offer the Card holder the facility of revolving credit. The Card holder may choose to pay only the Minimum Amount Due printed on the statement. The balance outstanding can be carried forward to subsequent statements. The Card holder can also choose to pay the Total Amount Due or any part of the amount above the Minimum Amount Due. Such payment should be made before the Payment Due Date. Clear funds need to be credited in JK Bank Card account on or before payment due date to avoid Late Payment Charges. Card holders are advised to drop local cheques at least 4 working days before the
Payment Due Date to ensure payment reflects on the card account within the Payment Due
Date. Any unpaid Minimum Amount Due of the previous statements will be added to the Card holders current Minimum Amount due in addition to the outstanding exceeding the Card Holders Credit Limit.

    • Payments made towards the Card outstanding are acknowledged in subsequent statements.
    • Payments received against the Card holders outstanding will be adjusted against all taxes, fee and other charges, interest charges, purchases  and cash advances in that order.


  • Method of Payment:

               Credit card dues can be paid through any of the following methods:

Cash payment:- 

Cash payment can be made at any Business Units of J&K Bank

Online Mode:
The bill can be paid through online mode from your J K Bank Ebanking portal or Mobile Banking application. The payments can be made through NEFT/IMPS also to your 16 digit Credit Card account number. The IFSC code to be used for interbank transactions for credit card payment is IFSC JAKA0SWITCH

Cheque/ Draft:
Make Cheque/draft in favor of JK Bank Credit Card account No. 5555 XXXXXXXXXXXX (sixteen digits) and deposit the same with any Business Unit of J&K Bank. Please ensure to write your name and contact number on the reverse of the cheque. Clearing Cheques will not be accepted.

Auto Debit:
In case of an account holder of J&K Bank, auto debit instructions for payment of Credit Card dues on monthly basis can be registered with the Card Issuing Business Unit either for payment of 'Minimum Amount Due' or 'Total Amount Due'.

Billing Disputes:
All the contents of the statement will be deemed to be correct and accepted if the Card holder does not inform J&K Bank in writing of the discrepancies within 15 days of the Statement Date.

  • Contact Particulars of J&K Bank 24-hour Customer Helpline number:

The Card holder can contact toll free Customer Care helpline number 1800 890 2122 or +91-1942481936/2482463 or Telephone numbers notified by J&K Bank from time to time.

  • Grievance Redressal:

In the rare event of not being satisfied with the response from any of the recent contacts with the Bank, you can contact our Grievance Redressal Officer as under:
Grievance Redressal Officer
Corporate Headquarters, M.A. Road; Srinagar Telephone no: +91 1942502685

  • Complete postal address of Card Issuing Bank:

The Jammu And Kashmir Bank Ltd, 
Digital and Alternate Channels,
Corporate Headquarters,
M. A. Road, Srinagar-190001. (J&K) India

  • SMS AIerts:

For the convenience of the Credit Card customers and as a risk mitigation factor, all the customers having recorded mobile numbers on application forms shall receive SMS Alerts from the bank as follows:

  • All transactions when concluded through JK Bank credit Card shall follow with an SMS alert for immediate information/ confirmation.
  • When Card is first dispatched.
  • Statement alerts.
  • If due date is missed.

 Note:  Card holders are requested to register their mobile numbers with the concerned Business Units.

MasterCard Secure Code:
J&K Bank for securing domestic internet transactions offers Secured online payment service with your existing Credit Card which will confirm your identity while you make purchases on internet. This service through a simple checkout process, confirms your identity when you make purchases on the internet. MasterCard Secure Code helps you process a password to protect your online transactions.

The total Outstanding on the Card account, together with the amount of any charges affected but not yet charged to the Card Account will become immediately due and payable in full to J&K Bank on the occurrence of any of the following events, which shall be deemed as an instance of default:

    • The card holder fails to pay the amount due to the bank within the stipulated period (Billing cycle).
    • Cardholder becomes insolvent or there is any material adverse change in the financial condition of the cardholder, which in bank's opinion affects the interest of the bank.
    • Death of cardholder or total permanent disability.
    • Any Court grants a garnishee order.
    • Any representation made by the card holder proves to be incorrect, misleading, false or incomplete including but not limited to income and /or identification paper/ document forwarded to the bank, being proved incorrect, incomplete and or contain false / fraudulent information.
    • Cardholder generally does or omits to do anything, which may prejudice Bank's right in terms of cardholder agreement or cause bank to suffer any loss/ damage.
    • Any payment Instruments including cheques and / or Standing instructions delivered to the Bank are not encashed / acted upon for any reason whatsoever on presentation being made, If cardholder is involved in or charged in criminal activities.
    • In case of default in performance of any obligations under terms of any other loans / facilities provided by J&K Bank.


    • On bankruptcy or death of the Primary cardholder, Cardholder's estate will be responsible for settling any Outstanding on the Card Account and should keep J&K Bank indemnified against all costs, including legal fee and expenses incurred in recovering such Outstanding. Pending such repayments, J&K Bank will be entitled to continue to levy service charges at its prevailing rates.
    • In the event that the Cardholder delays or is unable to settle the outstanding of his/ her monthly statement of the Card in terms of Cardholder agreement, J&K Bank will exercise the right of lien and set off the amount outstanding against any monies payable / deposits/ accounts maintained in cardholder's name with the Bank.
    • In the event of default, the Cardholder will be sent reminders from time to  time by representatives of J&K Bank including third parties appointed by J&K Bank for settlement of any outstanding on the card account, by post, fax, telephone,  electronic mail, SMS and/or engage its representatives to remind, follow up and collect dues. Any third party so appointed, shall adhere to the code of conduct on debt collection as applicable from time to time.
    • In the event that cardholder delays or is unable to settle the outstanding even after issuing reminders and notice, his/her name will be reported as defaulter to CIBIL, any other Credit Information Company authorized by RBI or published in print media with photograph. Any notice given by J&K Bank will be deemed to have been received by the cardholder within 7 days of posting to the Cardholder's address last notified in writing to J&K Bank or, where specifically requested, within 24 hours of sending the same via e-mail at the e-mail address specified by him/ her. Any notice may also be sent by fax or communicated verbally and confirmed in writing by post or fax. J&K Bank shall not be held accountable for delays in receipt of notices by post.
    • In the event of any change in cardholder's e-mail and/or employment and /or offices and /or residential address and/or telephone/ mobile numbers, the cardholder shall inform J& K Bank promptly in writing or by e-mail and must confirm the same by mail or fax.

Withdrawal of Defaulter Report from Cibil

The bank, at its sole discretion, shall withdraw any default report issued to CIBIL in the following events:

  • The defaulter has liquidated his entire outstanding dues with the bank or settled his dues with the Bank.
  • A court verdict has been received by the bank instructing the Bank to de-list the cardholder.  The decisions will be taken by the bank on a case to case basis upon individual review.

Termination / Revocation of the Card Holder ship

i). The Cardholder may terminate the Cardholder ship at any time by writing to J&K Bank at the following address: Jammu And Kashmir Bank, Digital and Alternate Channels Department, Corporate Headquarters M.A. Road, Srinagar-190001 (J&K)" or the concerned business unit where from the card was obtained, along with the card/s cut diagonally to pieces. All the cards including the add-on cards will be terminated on the basis of written request. Termination will be effective only after payment of all amounts outstanding to the card account. No annual, joining or renewal fee shall be refunded on a pro-rata basis.
ii). JK Bank may also restrict, terminate or suspend the use of the Credit Card at any time without prior notice, if the Bank reasonably believes it necessary for business or security reasons. JK Bank can suspend the facility on the Credit Card, if the Cardholder defaults on the payment due or exceeds the credit limit extended. The Card must not be used after the Agreement ends or if the card account is suspended.
iii). In such a situation, the Cardholder must (subject to any default or other notice required by law) immediately pay J&K Bank the total outstanding Balance on the Account. This includes all amounts due to J&K Bank under the Agreement, including all transactions and other amounts not yet charged to the Account. The card will not be considered as closed until the Cardholder has paid all such due amounts.

Loss /Theft / Misuse of Card

  • The Cardholder must notify the 24-Hour Customer Helpline number immediately if the primary or any Additional Credit Card is misplaced, lost, stolen, mutilated, not received when due or if he/she suspects that the Credit Card is being used without Cardholder's permission. Once a card is reported lost, it should not, under any circumstance be used if found by the Cardholder subsequently. As the Add-on-Card is an extended facility given on the primary Card Account, the Add-on-Card is rendered invalid when the primary card is reported lost.
  • The Bank is not liable or responsible for any transactions incurred on the card account prior to time of reporting of the loss of the Card, and the Cardholder will be fully liable for the same. After the receipt of proper notification of the loss by the Bank, the Cardholder's subsequent liability is Nil. In addition to notifying J&K Bank about the loss or theft of the Card, the Cardholder must report loss or theft of Cards to the Police and lodge an FIR.
  • The Cardholder will be liable for all losses in case of misuse of the card by someone who obtained the PIN/CVV/MasterCard Secure (M Secure) or the card with the consent of Cardholder or an Add-on Cardholder.
  • If the Cardholder has acted fraudulently without reasonable care, the Cardholder shall be liable for all losses incurred.
  • J&K Bank may, without referring to the Cardholder or any Add-on-Cardholder, give the police or other relevant authorities any information that J&K Bank consider relevant about the loss, theft or misuse of a Card or PIN/ CW/ MasterCard Secure (M-Secure).


Type of information relating to Card Holder to be disclosed with and without approval of Card holder:

  • The cardholder acknowledges that J&K Bank is authorized to share cardholder information including but not limited to card holder current balance, payment history, etc. along with demographic details with any existing or future credit bureau without any notice to this intent to the Cardholder, and such information may pertain to positive or negative performance or default by the Cardholder as per the Credit Information Companies Regulation Act, 2005.
  • The Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. (CIBIL) is an initiative of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to improve the functionality and stability of the Indian Financial System. This is in line with RBI’s efforts to provide an effective mechanism for exchange of information between Banks and Financial Institutions, thereby enabling cardholders to avail of better credit terms from various institutions.
  • The cardholder further acknowledges that J&K Bank is authorized to share Cardholder information, including default in payments with Financial Institutions, employer and to other third parties engaged by J&K Bank for proper operation of card accounts, verification and other administrative services.
  • J&K Bank may also share Cardholder information with any parent, subsidiary, affiliate or associate of JK Bank for the purposes of marketing and offering various products and services of J&K Bank or its group companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and/ or associates.
  • All information in this communication is correct as on 1st February 2020 and is subject to change at the discretion of J&K Bank.
  • The Bank will not be liable for any deficiency in services or to perform any obligation there under where such failure is attributed, directly or indirectly to any malfunction of ATM, Network, Card, POS, SMS/email delivery, temporarily insufficiency of funds, any dispute or other circumstances beyond its control.

Reward Points:
The Cardholder will earn 1 reward point (equal to Rs. 1) on every Rs. 200.00 spent on the Card except on fuel purchase and cash withdrawal transactions. The validity of Reward Points is 3 years from the date of issuance of fresh/renewal card. The reward program is subject to change at the discretion of the Bank.


           Schedule of Fee: (GST shall be applied to all charges / fees/ interest as per applicable rates)

Type Of Fee / Charge





Entrance Fee primary/add on card





Annual Fee primary/add-on card





Renewal Fee primary/add-on card





Card replacement Charges  primary/add-on card





Product Upgrade Charges





Limit Enhancement Fee  for primary/add-on card





Minimum Purchase amount requirement for Waiver of Annual fee.

Above 50,000

Above 75,000

Above 2,00,000


Tariff of Charges: (GST shall be applied to all charges / fees/ interest as per applicable rates)



Maximum Interest Free Credit period (only on full payment, on or before the due date)

Up to 50 days

Finance charges / interest rate (Purchase / Cash)

3% per month and APR (Annualized
Percentage Rate of 36%)

Minimum Payment Due on Revolving credit

5 % of the actual balance in the month or 5% of the Card limit + 100% of over the limit usage

Statement Date

20th of every month

Payment due date

9th or 10th  of succeeding date and
12th in case of Feb

Cash advance on credit limit

20% of the credit limit

Cash advance charges at our Bank ATMs From the date of transaction.

3 % of the amount with a minimum of Rs. 300/- for each transaction.

Cash advance charges at other bank ATMs in India From the date of transaction.

3% of the amount with a minimum of Rs.300/- for each transaction.

Cash advance charges (Overseas) from the date of transaction

3 % of the amount with a minimum of Rs: 300/- for each transaction.

Late payment fee

Rs. 100/-

Charges for over the credit limit usage

2.5%     of     overdrawn    amount      or
minimum Rs. 400/- for each occasion

Retrieval of Charge slip

Rs. 100/- or the actual charges incurred whichever is higher

PIN Replacement fee



As applicable from time to time

Fuel Surcharge 

Applicable @1% plus GST & Waiver of 1% upto purchase of Rs.5000/- per month.

Hot listing Charges 


The charges are subject to change*

1800 890 2122(Toll Free ), 0194 - 2482463, 2486424