M/s Sultan Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd.

  • Zonal Office Srinagar
  • Residency Road
Branch Name:

Residency Road


UT of J&K

Borrower Name:

M/s Sultan Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Guarantor Name:


Registered address of the Borrower:

Food Park Industrial Complex, Khonmoh Srinagar, Kashmir

Registered address of the Guarantor :


Outstanding amount (in ₹) :


Asset Classification :


Date of Asset classification :


Details of security possessed :

Leasehold rights of 04 Kanals of Land bearing Khasra No.2508min in J&K SIDCO's Food Park, Industrial Estate Khonmoh, Srinagar along with freehold rights in the factory building.

Name of the Title holder of the security possessed :

1) Ms. Vasfiya Fayaz D/o Late Fayaz Ahmad Wani R/o Mirakabad Shalimar SKUAST Lane Opposite Higher Secondary School, Srinagar 2) Ms. Reshma Fayaz D/o Late Fayaz Ahmad Wani R/o Mirakabad Shalimar SKUAST Lane Opposite Higher Secondary School, Srinagar