Jahangir Ahmad Teli S/o Ghulam Nabi Teli (M/s Unique Textile)

  • Zonal Office Pulwama
  • Lassipora
Branch Name:



UT of J&K

Borrower Name:

Jahangir Ahmad Teli S/o Ghulam Nabi Teli (M/s Unique Textile)

Guarantor Name:

1. Irshad Ahmad Teli S/o Gh Mohd Teli 2. Gh Mohi Ud Din Dar S/o Gh Ahmad Dar

Registered address of the Borrower:

Teli Mohalla, Owantabhawan, Soura, Srinagar

Registered address of the Guarantor :

1. Owantabhawan, Soura, Srinagar 2. Baghi Sunder Bala Chatabal Sgr.

Outstanding amount (in ₹) :


Asset Classification :


Date of Asset classification :


Details of security possessed :

Lease hold rights of 2 Kanals of land at Industrial Growth Center Lassipora, Pulwama along with freehold rights over the factory shed/ buildings constructed thereupon leased by J&K SIDCO in favour of M/s Unique Textile

Name of the Title holder of the security possessed :

Jahangir Ahmad Teli S/o Ghulam Nabi Teli Teli Mohalla, Owantabhawan, Soura, Srinagar